Our society is overwhelmed today by various challenges and solutions are far-fetched in many realms. One of the most affected group in society are women. Today’s woman is working in a very challenging environment; the society in which we live today has no special soft landing for anyone, especially for the womenfolk.
The hue and cry about gender equality and women liberation does not bestow on the woman an automatic place in the success equation of life. She has to get into the ring of life and slug it out with everyone else irrespective of her so-called “weak vessel” appellation.
In politics, the economy and every other sphere of life, a woman who needs to stand out must take her place and get involved in the process to succeed. Every successful woman in modern times have come thus far, not because they were given a chance, but because they TOOK their chances and made impact with them.
It is against this background that an umbrella organization which is meant to provide a platform for the womenfolk to unleash their potentials is born. MATA seeks to be a catalyst in empowering women with knowledge, capacity and resource mobilization through various activities so that our women become who they should be in every field of human endeavor.
See our Vision and Mission